Order Form

  • Order Form (*Send mail to us with the following format)
    If you have confirmed your purchases, please mail us by fill in your order form as below format. We aim to reply you within 12 hours. 
    *Please re-send order form if you didn't receive any mail from us within 12 hours. Thanks a lot.
    ·         * Order Lists
    ·         * Name of Receiver
    ·         FirstLast
    ·         *Contact number
    ·         * E-mail
    ·         * Delivery Address
    ·         *Payment
    ·         Maybank2u
    ·         Maybank Deposit
    Shipping Methods
    ·         Pos Laju (WM)
    ·         Pos Laju (EW)
    ·         Pos Express
    ·         International

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